Raoul has been in the investment business since May 1973 with several financial institutions including Bolton Tremblay Inc,
an Investment Counsel & Portfolio Manager with assets under management of about $5 billion and where he was a Vice President & Director as well as Chairman of the Canadian Equities team
for pension fund investments. He has managed different types of assets including equity, pension, insurance, individual, resource, mutual funds and others. He has been involved in mining projects
in China and acquired a number of companies in the resource and financial sectors including Constitution Insurance Company of Canada, a property and casualty company with assets of about $95
million, from Mutual of Omaha. Raoul holds undergraduate degrees in Economics (BA) and Business (BS) and an MBA in Finance and Investments. He is also a Fellow of the Life Management
Institute with specialization in Investments . He has been Chairman of Contitution Insurance Company of Canada and a director of a number of public companies. |